Articles in this category Error notices / slow website The OLT website and virtual classrooms are designed to work with the current operating systems and browsers. They have been tested using smartphone, tablet, notebook computer, and desktop computers o... Chrome issues (2021) Our students have reported significant freezes or slow downs when using Chrome. While working in Firefox, Safari or in an Incognito window of Chrome may be an effective workaround, some users require... Browser Troubleshooting 1. Check supported browser versions. Check to see if your problem is related to known issues with your browser version. (Example: run a search in your browser for Moodle + your browser version). Bro... Clearing Your Browser Cache About Clearing Your Browser Cache "Clearing cache" means deleting what's stored in the browser's memory, including files, cookies, and browsing history. Clear your browser's cache periodically for s... ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT is a very rare but frustrating error, and it can happen when visiting just one site, or when visiting several sites. There are a number of reasons why you are receiving this... I can't go back to earlier pages in my course This article refers specifically to courses on When you use your browser's back button you may see a message like this: Document ExpiredThis document is no longer available.The requeste... The top 5 errors according to Google. If you see one of these error messages, and don't know why you are seeing it, feel free to open a ticket and tell us where you were on the website, what you were trying to do, and which error message ...